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August 2007 Archives

August 25, 2007

First post!

Welcome! As an experienced family-life blogger, I thought I'd try my hand at crafty blogging! I'm an avid knitter and stamper and am glad to have a place to share my projects. Check me out for pictures of my WIPs and FOs. Right now I'm working on the "Basic Vest for Children" by Knitting Pure and Simple. The patterns aren't the sexiest but they're clear and affordable and they work!

Antsy is right!

So smart of the people over at Ravelry to allow us to check our own invitation status. If not, I imagine they'd be getting thousands of e-mails a day from people like me who are patiently waiting. I'm late to the game and here are my "stats" on the antsy page:

Found you!

* You signed up on July 28, 2007
* You are #21400 on the list.
* 11144 people are ahead of you in line.
* 7269 people are behind you in line.
* 35% of the list has been invited so far

I've looked at the screenshots and FAQs over there and have to admit I'm still confused about how this site works but everyone is raving about it so much that I'm chomping at the bit to get in!

On another note, I hope to have some FO pictures up in the next day or so to really get this blog up and running!

August 27, 2007


Let's get started with an FO or two so you know that I really do knit! One of my more recent loves has been the Lady Eleanor entrelac stole from the book Scarf Style. She is big, she cost a lot of money and she is worth it all! It's hard to go wrong with Noro but when those long color changes are done up in entrelac, it's even more beautiful.

Here she is lounging on the dining room table:


And here she is on being worn proudly:


Wow, I just cut a lot of length off my hair and it's weird to look at that picture now!

August 28, 2007

sweater vest progress

Thought I'd get a shot up of DS's sweater vest in progress. It's a Knitting Pure and Simple pattern being worked bottom up in Nature Wool. I've never worked with this yarn before and though it's not the softest wool ever, it is nice and easy to work with and has the subtle variegated color I was looking for in a vest.



I'm waiting for my copy of Knitting Without Tears to arrive from the library so I can start on a Baby Surprise Jacket or a Tomten.

About August 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Paper Starfish in August 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

September 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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