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March 2008 Archives

March 6, 2008

slow going

The hoodie is slow going. I just need to get 1.5 sleeves finished and then it's done but jeesh, I'm just not getting to it throughout the day at all!

Instead of dwelling on that, check out this yummy-ness:


Yes, I am on a yarn diet but I traded away Lola Bunny for this gorgeous Mosaic Moon wool! I need to have some girly yarn on hand with the preggo-with-girls mommies around me!

March 26, 2008

New, big project underway!

So even though I have another Lola Bunny and Scooter's hoodie on the needles, I've started in on Lizard Ridge. It's not a new pattern, but I've been eyeing it off and on since it came out!

After Lady Eleanor, I swore I'd never do another large project in Noro Kureyon again but here I am! The color changes can't be beat and once it softens up a bit with washing it's so beautiful that it's worth putting up with the knots and picking out the bits of hay and whatever else.

The equivalent of the first block is done but I haven't done the bind off because I think I'll be working it in four long strips.


Here's a closer picture:


I'm planning to work the next "block" in lighter colors to get that patchwork effect.

March 29, 2008

Another Lola Bunny

This one is for Baby M due in May:


The yarn is from Mosaic Moon at Hyena Cart. If you love indie dyed yarns like I do, you have to check her out. Pictures don't do the purples and teals in this yarn justice!

About March 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Paper Starfish in March 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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April 2008 is the next archive.

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