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February 2010 Archives

February 1, 2010

Cables, cables everywhere

On Baby Starfish's Pembroke Vest that is! I'm loving it so far. I'm following the pattern for the 6 month size but it may come out a bit smaller than that which is fine with me.


I've also been spinning. This is superwash BFL (my favorite fiber to spin) in the Roses For You colorway by Susan's Spinning Bunny. This bobbin is half of the singles for a two-ply yarn.


I have the day off (against my will) today due to snow so hopefully I'll make progress on both projects!

February 13, 2010


Well, they've started. I haven't started but the Ravelympics have started. I joined Team Purl Scouts and entered the WIP Dancing event in an effort to finish up my Lizard Ridge.


Sounds like so much fun and I do really love my Lizard Ridge and want to get her done! So what's the problem? I sat there in front of the Opening Ceremonies and continued knitting the baby's Pembroke Vest. It's like I immediately have mental block about being told I HAVE to knit something specific on a timeline. But no one told me I had to do this. I signed up willingly! What is my problem? Anyone else out there participating? Motivate me!

About February 2010

This page contains all entries posted to Paper Starfish in February 2010. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 2010 is the previous archive.

March 2010 is the next archive.

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