First, let me say that I love the process of knitting as much as all of you knitters out there. I knit for the fun and relaxation of it as much as (if not more than) for the finished product. WIth that being said, having handknit socks appear in the mail made especially for my feet's measurements is heavenly!

These were knit by a fellow Raveler as a part of a swap. They fit perfectly and are a great introduction to Bugga! yarn. I love them. The pattern is Twister Socks.
Some more excitement in the mailbox came from my favorite indie dyer Mosaic Moon. The color is MacLir and I can't wait to knit this up as a sweater for Kid Starfish!

I never use my blog to ask for things but I do want to throw something out here that is near and dear to me. Many of you know that I teach third grade. I love most things about my students and the school where I teach but we are seriously lacking in the technology department. I have one desktop PC in my classroom and it is just not enough to reach 18 children enough that are really learning to use technology. I wrote a grant at Donors Choose for two iPod Touches. I would love it if some of you would read my grant. If you feel like it's worth it, donate (any amount helps and is appreciated) or pass the link along to people you know. We have less than $500 remaining (not including the optional donation to Donors Choose) and I'd love to get these this school year.
*If you're not familiar with Donors Choose, it is a really great way to get things to motivated teachers. You can search by location, grade, subject, etc. Did you know that teachers spend an average of $40 a month on their classes?