I spent some time taking stock of my quilting WIPs this weekend and discovered that I have four quilt tops ready to quilt. The first one is my wonky plus signs:

This one is kind of crazy but I like it! Here's a close-up of a few blocks:

Another one that's finished is Constellation from Fat Quarterly. I love this pattern but don't really love this quilt. The fabric is Habitat from the Modern Quilt Guild Challenge. I know lots of quilters love it but it's not really my style. What do you think?

A closeup of the biggest star:

See the mistake? It's so busy that I'm hoping it's not crazy noticeable. I wasn't about to rip it all out for a quilt I don't love.
I'm not sure what to do about quilting Constellation. I really hate to pay to have it quilted but maybe it will grow on me. Or maybe someone else would love it. Thoughts? I'm hoping that the very talented Gina will take care of some of the quilting for the plus signs and the others on her longarm machine. I'll post pictures of the other two tops soon. I'm really happy with them.