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May 2012 Archives

May 7, 2012

My Favorite Things....

Actually my favorite scraps.... a lot of them are in this quilt top. Mendocino, Flea Market Fancy, Tufted Tweets, Prince Charming...

It's a good sized kid quilt, about 46"x48" and uses up most of my aqua scraps. It's based on a quilt I saw in the book Sunday Morning Quilts.

Another of my favorite things right now are these guys:

They're so big! Those four guys are not going to fit in that little nest much longer!

May 17, 2012

Do Things Happen in Threes?

Mr. Starfish's grandmother says things "happen in threes". Unfortunately, it's usually about something bad that's happened but does it work for good things? 'Cause I won another giveaway!

I won a fat quarter bundle of Riley Blake Chevrons from Faith at Fresh Lemon Quilts sponsored by Westwood Acres!

Thanks Faith! I love this print and I love the colors. The thing is, I haven't seen many quilts featuring these fabrics. I've seen them mostly used as accents or stash builders. So.... what should I make with them?

In other news.... I finished a simple patchwork quilt with the Goin' Coastal bundle I bought a long time ago.

It's about 39"x44" and backed with a royal blue Kona solid.

About May 2012

This page contains all entries posted to Paper Starfish in May 2012. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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June 2012 is the next archive.

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