Oh, this sewing weekend was so much fun. Three whole days of sewing, meeting new people, chatting, eating, learning, and hanging out with creative, kind people. I am so glad I went and put the craziness of this semester on hold for a while - I needed it!
I made a few things.

This is my first metal frame clutch. I probably won't use it myself but I love it. I love how neat and professional looking it is, I love the navy chevron, and I love the pop of color on the inside:

I also tried my first ever paper-pieced block:

There are several problems/mistakes but I was actually pretty pleased for my first time. Not quite sure what happened with that purple point being so close to the edge there. Oops!
We got such amazing swag at the end of the weekend from sponsors. Here is the fabric that I received in my goodie bag:

Ahhh, the pretties. That's some Lucky Penny, Asbury, Michael Miller, and Notting Hill, among others. I will blog about other goodies (books! thread! batting!) in another post. I am so grateful for sponsors like Pellon, Oliso, Dritz, JoAnn Fabric, Fabricworm and all of the others that make this so much fun!