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October 2007 Archives

October 1, 2007



Here is Cherie Amour from Knitty minus the sleeves. She knit up pretty quickly and once I understood the armhole division and decreasing everything was fine. I am making the medium and it is the right size but I'm not sure how I feel about it. It makes me look a little bigger than I'd like. I wear a size 8 so I'm kind of surprised but I'm reserving total judgement until I get the arms on.

There's been progress on the Ravelry front as well. It seems I'm very close:

Found you!

* You signed up on July 28, 2007
* You are #21400 on the list.
* 625 people are ahead of you in line.
* 16430 people are behind you in line.
* 54% of the list has been invited so far

I'm hoping for an invite tomorrow! Wheeeee!

October 7, 2007

It's Official!

I do not like Cherie Amour. I think the pattern is pretty well written and it looks beautiful on the designer. I do not think it looks good on me and I have seen a few other FOs in blog and knitalong land that were not terribly flattering to their owners either. I know a lot of people LOVE this pattern (as did I) so I hope some people start to crank out some seriously gorgeous sweaters soon. Mine looks great on the floor, just not on me.


I can't end a blog post on that depressing note so I will say that I went out to my LYS yesterday for some retail therapy. I bought this:


to make a Zephyr Style Tree Jacket. The Sexy Knitters Club is starting a KAL for this on October 15th but I couldn't wait and cast on yesterday. Here is half of the turtly-cowly neck:


So far, so good with the Cascade 220 Superwash. I've never worked with it before. The color is 802 and bright apple-y green.

October 14, 2007

First step

Well, I have always said I am not a sock knitter. I can't imagine wearing handknit socks, I can't imagine finishing one and having to do another one before being "done" and although I don't mind DPNs the thought of using teeny needles didn't seem like fun. Why, then, did I buy this?


It's Claudia Hand Painted sock yarn in the "Walk in the Woods" colorway. Beautiful. I had credit at my LYS (a crime!) and found myself feeling the Lorna's Laces and the Mountain Colors and the Claudia Hand painted.

It's still sitting in its little skein but I hear it faintly calling to me. Maybe I AM a sock knitter!

October 24, 2007

No "second sleeve syndrome" here!


The tree jacket is coming along quite nicely. I'm sure she will be done in the next few days. The pattern was working up perfectly in a medium (even though it seems I could have safely made the small?!?!) until I hit the sleeves. They are very wide at 70 stitches and the decreases seem few and far between. I thought about ripping back and adding a lot more decreases but when I tried it on, I kind of liked the wide slouchiness. This sweater will definitely be more of a "casual and comfy" style than the one on the Zephyr Style site but I really like it!

October 29, 2007

I gave in to the pull of the sock!


I said I wouldn't but I did. This is the start of a Thuja from Knitty. It's Artyarns Supermerino and it's on size 7 needles. I am a very tight knitter. The pattern calls for size 6 needles for a man's sock so I'm hoping the size 7 needles will make me a woman's sock. Yes, I'm that tight a knitter.

The Tree Jacket is done. I love it but it'll take another day or two to get some pictures up!

About October 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Paper Starfish in October 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

September 2007 is the previous archive.

November 2007 is the next archive.

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