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It's Official!

I do not like Cherie Amour. I think the pattern is pretty well written and it looks beautiful on the designer. I do not think it looks good on me and I have seen a few other FOs in blog and knitalong land that were not terribly flattering to their owners either. I know a lot of people LOVE this pattern (as did I) so I hope some people start to crank out some seriously gorgeous sweaters soon. Mine looks great on the floor, just not on me.


I can't end a blog post on that depressing note so I will say that I went out to my LYS yesterday for some retail therapy. I bought this:


to make a Zephyr Style Tree Jacket. The Sexy Knitters Club is starting a KAL for this on October 15th but I couldn't wait and cast on yesterday. Here is half of the turtly-cowly neck:


So far, so good with the Cascade 220 Superwash. I've never worked with it before. The color is 802 and bright apple-y green.

Comments (3)


That's too bad about Cherie Amour. I printed that out, perhaps I need to rethink.

Good for you on the retail therapy!


Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. I finished mine a few days ago and it doesn't look bad on me. If the pattern didn't run so large I would really like it a lot, in fact. Since the sweater is so big on me it's not something I would have bought in a store, but it's also not something I'd be embarassed to wear out in public. I'm going to wear it to work tomorrow and get some second opinions.

If you've been following the craftster knitalong, the two most recent FOs look pretty good in my opinion! So don't give up hope!

Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. I finished mine a few days ago and it doesn't look bad on me. If the pattern didn't run so large I would really like it a lot, in fact. Since the sweater is so big on me it's not something I would have bought in a store, but it's also not something I'd be embarassed to wear out in public. I'm going to wear it to work tomorrow and get some second opinions.

If you've been following the craftster knitalong, the two most recent FOs look pretty good in my opinion! So don't give up hope!

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