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New addiction.....

Is this the most beautiful handspun yarn you've ever seen or what?


Okay, so it's not beautiful. It's thick and thin (not on purpose) and way too twisty but it's mine! I spun it on Beth's Ashford Kiwi. It was my first ever spinning experience and with Beth and Carla's help I produced something!

So, I'm now obsessed with spinning and am going to give it another go this weekend with a different wheel so I can compare. I had to buy some roving for my next practice session so I bought this


from Colorful Life on Etsy. She knew I was a beginning spinner and sent all of this as freebies for me to try:


Aren't fibery/knitty people great?

I am still knitting away. Here's a finished Little Pansy sock for proof:


Comments (3)

It looks great :) First skeins are to be treasured!

What wheel are you trying next? Hmm?


Ohhhh... pretty colors in the rovings.

Sounds like you had a good time with the spinning. I haven't tried that yet.


It is the most beautiful yarn in the world! You must keep it forever!

You got some nice fiber there and your sock is GREAT!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 26, 2008 9:44 AM.

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The next post in this blog is second skein.

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