Chocolate Covered Cherries!
That's the colorway of this great fiber from Susan's Spinning Bunny.
I'm finishing up the singles today and then I'll be ready to ply!
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That's the colorway of this great fiber from Susan's Spinning Bunny.
I'm finishing up the singles today and then I'll be ready to ply!
This is my third real skein and I have to say.... I'm getting better each time. This one was much more consistent in terms of thickness. Now I just need to work on getting my singles thinner. This yarn is a worsted-type weight and I'd prefer to be able to spin sport (or even thinner). Practice, practice, practice!
Almost done the second Little Pansy Sock!
The Little Pansy Socks are finished and I really like 'em
They are comfy, machine washable and dryable and low for summer time. Yeehaw!
Got some new fiber from Amy at Spunky Eclectic and it looks like it's going to be very interesting once spun up.
I'll be starting shortly. The colorway is Monkey Farts for those who are curious... ;) I think it's going to have the perfect amount of brown - my favorite color!
So... the new Knitty is out and I wouldn't be a proper knitting blogger if I didn't give my opinion. First, I'll say I am thankful for Knitty. It's free, published four times a year and a lot of work goes into it. I don't love everything they publish but there is always something and usually a lot of somethings that I want to try.
I love Gigi. It's already in my Ravelry queue. I think Helena is adorable for a little girl and Seascape is beautiful! Lizard Ridge!
This is the first block of the second strip. This was one of those balls that looked strange when I bought it but knitted up very nicely.
Still spinning away. I'm more than halfway done with the Monkey Farts so I should be ready to ply in a day or so! Some singles for your viewing pleasure:
Those are almost always good words, right? ;)
This is what the Monkey Farts from Spunky Eclectic has become! It's definitely thinner and more consistent than the last attempt. Yay!
And just because everyone seems to have knit one and I had some extra cotton sitting around... the Ballband Dishcloth:
Super easy and quick knit but will go in the category of "I can say I did it, but I don't know why".
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