Fits and Starts
That's how I'm knitting Lizard Ridge:
I'm nearing the end of the second strip (there will be four total). I go like gangbusters on this and then my attention starts to wane. I've finished other projects while this is still going and I'm not normally one to have a ton on the needles. That's okay. When I pick it up I have renewed energy for it so I plan on it taking a while.
I got some fiber from Huckleberry Knits. I actually sent her some white BFL and had her dye this up for me. I got to pick the colors and everything! It's sort of a mixture of two of her existing colorways: Decadence and Spice. So maybe this is Spicy Decadence?!?!
In spinning news I decided to try to spin up some small samples I had. This one is merino and silk:
It's a teeny skein and through this experience I learned that I am not ready to spin anything containing silk. It was very... silky. Slippery and hard for me to get a consistent thickness going. Pretty color though!