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Sock wonkiness

Here's the redo after all of the pooling:


The new yarn has helped a ton with the pooling but the sock is kind of wonky. I think I need to go down a needle size but it's still weird. The heel flap is so small. It's a k3, p1 rib and there are well over 200 of these on Ravelry and I see no complaints. Come on you sock knitters.... do I just need more practice? This is my third pair of socks and I want to like them. They're very portable and sock yarn is so pretty to pet and collect. Why are my socks wonky?

In spinning news I was on a roll with the koi roving and here are the singles:


I think I heard/read somewhere that it's best to let singles rest a bit before plying. Is that true? I was planning on plying tomorrow.

Comments (2)


IMHO, the socks look fine. Try them on, though. If they feel wonky, suck it up and rip them out. I personally like short heel flaps--apparently I have short heels. I often find myself knitting them shorter than a pattern calls for. Otherwise, the top of my ankle feels bunchy.

Your singles are beautiful! Way to go. I seem to remember reading on one of the Rav spinning forums that singles need to rest. I'm not sure for how long, though. Or maybe it was not that they need to rest, but that they relax as they rest.....

I think they look fine too(the pooling was sad), but if they don't fit right, frog back to the flap. There's no point making something that will sit in a corner, right?

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