Okay knitters, look at this:
I didn't knit that. It's a golf club cover. It's cheap yarn, ribbed all the way up, increased for the head of the club and then a huge pom-pom. My dad is a golfing fanatic. He is retired and travels around golfing with friends. A few of them have these and they were knit by some woman who is very smart. Guess what my father paid for three of these? No really, guess. $105.00. Seriously. Forget the fact that his daughter is a knitter...$105?!?! I told him to never ever buy one of those again. I will make them for every club he owns. $105?!?!?
Okay, getting on to my own knitting... Remember this?
It's Lizard Ridge. It's halfway finished and I've been working on it again. Love this pattern.
The Duckies are coming along. I only knit them at school and since I only work part-time it's slow going. I should be to the heel flap on the second sock soon.
Comments (3)
Love the Lizard Ridge so far, and those socks are pretty and lacy and spring-y (I know that's not a word, but... it's appropriate).
That golf club cover... it looks like the shaft of a very thin sock with a pom-pom on it. $105! You could make a killing knitting those up. Wouldn't take more than an hour per piece.
Posted by Batty | May 4, 2009 9:41 PM
Posted on May 4, 2009 21:41
Are you serious? $105???? Sheesh --- they should be made out of the finest merino for that price.
I had to laugh that he didn't think about asking you to make some though. Pretty funny!
Posted by Dee | May 5, 2009 2:34 PM
Posted on May 5, 2009 14:34
Are you freakin kidding me? You tell your Dad he got ripped off! Man! Doen't you wish you made them? For that kind of money....
Your lizard ridge is looking fab!!!! I love that pattern, but I am not a blanket person. I would get so bored.
Socks are great too!
Posted by beth | May 7, 2009 2:59 PM
Posted on May 7, 2009 14:59