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August 2010 Archives

August 6, 2010

I bit the bullet

and cast on for the Dipped Infiinty Scarf. Thank you so much for so many helpful comments on different cast on techniques. In the end, I did a long tail cast on holding two different balls of yarn so I didn't have to worry about measuring or not having a long enough tail.


I've only just started but I'm already loving the subtle look of holding the different shades together. Can you see the two different colors in the photo? I can't wait for the color changes to start!

I received a coop order today as well. It's called Winter Solstice Sky from Mosaic Moon. Two different blues, silvery gray and natural:


I think I'm going to make a zipped hoodie for Baby Starfish using the natural skein for trim. Mosaic Moon is definitely one of my favorite indie dyers. Morwenna has such an eye for color and she dyes SO MANY different colorways.

August 18, 2010


I love vintage linens. The look, feel, etc. Check out this baby blanket my mother's Aunt Helen made when my mom was born:


I have always loved it and when I was pregnant with Baby Starfish I reminded my mom not to give it to anyone else. She said I could have it right then and it lives in the nursery now! It is bound in some sort of red twill material and is crinkly from many years of washing, drying and generally being loved.

Close up:


My mom is here visiting for a week this week and brought me a stack of other projects. I can't believe it! I could search for ages and not find things I love like I love these. Check this out:


Close up:


I have so many questions about these. The scarecrow blanket I know to be 55 years old. I have no idea who exactly made the rooster one or how old it is. Was there a pattern for things like this? What should I do with them? For now the scarecrow lives in Baby Starfish's room and can remain there for another year or so. I don't want to just fold them up in a chest but am not really sure about other options that don't leave them out for "little hands" to find them. I have a few more too. If people want to see them, I'll post in a couple of days!

August 24, 2010

I am a triathlete.

I did it. Successfully completed a sprint triathlon. It was such a wonderful morning and the sense of accomplishment was right up there with running the marathon. For five months after giving birth, not too bad!

During the swim:


Starting the bike:


Crossing the finish line!


After the race I was greeted by Mr. Starfish and Little Starfish:


I highly recommend a sprint tri for those looking for a doable challenge! Still trying to decide what race is next!

August 29, 2010

It's My Turn!

Some of you may remember the virtual quilting bee I joined a few months back. It's called Sew Bee Wonky and the button on the sidebar will take you there if you want to look around. Well it's my turn this month! All through September I will be getting quilt blocks in the mail made to my specifications, with my fabric but with everyone's own personal twist!


I'm asking for 12x12 blocks in the wonky log cabin style. The one above is a test block that I made. I'm seriously crushing on orange anything right now so I chose some orange and pink fabrics to send out.

Here are the strips before they were sent out:


I love, love, love the Heather Ross Mendocino line. Octopi and seahorses! Too bad there weren't any starfish. Besides going all over the U.S, one package went to Australia and one went to Ontario. My quilt will be international! The blocks will be scrappy and wild so I think I'll sash them in a Kona neutral solid. Maybe "stone" or "coal"? Not sure yet.

In other news... my brother and sister in law are due to have their first baby any day now. Here is the progress on Baby Sophie's quilt:


It's going to be a stacked coin quilt with cherries. Fun!

My Dipped Infinity Scarf is almost finished so that will be blogged this week. I had to abandon ship on the pattern a bit. More on that later when I have pictures to show!

About August 2010

This page contains all entries posted to Paper Starfish in August 2010. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2010 is the previous archive.

November 2010 is the next archive.

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