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Prince Charming

Look at these frogs. So cute. Can you see them on the left?

I will be cutting into this tomorrow. Can't wait.

I'm going to start a sweater for one of the wee starfish this weekend. I really want to do something for my older prince but I'm kind of concerned he won't wear it. He is 6 now, you know. It might be safer to do something for the little turkey who has no say in what he wears!

Comments (2)


Love the froggy-eyes! LOL

I think six is still probably safe, especially if you let him pick the pattern. But, knitting for the littlest starfish means a lot less knitting.

I'm not a frog lover but those are REALLY cute!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 16, 2011 11:21 PM.

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