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It's finished and I love it!

It's been cold and windy this weekend so it was hard to get photos. I'm pleased with the wavy quilting lines and everything overall. It's my largest quilt yet at about 59" x 72".

I know it looks strangely shaped in the picture (above) but it's just the way it's hanging on the fence.

We have a quilt guild meeting on Tuesday so I'll take it with me for show and tell. A lot of my favorite fabric lines made it into this one - Mendocino, Picnic and Fairgrounds, Prince Charming, Tufted Tweets, Sherbet Pips, etc.

In knitting news I finished the first Nalu mitt. I don't love it. Kid Starfish has actually been using it as an Iron Man super hero wrist weapon-thingy. Not sure what will come of this project.

Comments (6)

Love it! Can't wait to see it!


I certainly could use that quilt tonight --- it's COLD!!!! The quilt turned out great.

Love the superhero mitt --- not often you get to knit for a superhero. LOL

It looks awesome! Way to go and a big finish! :)


love the confetti quilt.
can't wait to see it!

I love this quilt! I'm curious on how you made it... I think I know, but I'm not sure. I figured out a way you could do it, but... Anyway... It's really cool!

I love your confetti quilt!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 12, 2012 8:38 PM.

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The next post in this blog is I'm in the Spotlight!.

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