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Two Weeks in the Starfish House

In the past two weeks we've had:

five doctor appointments
three filled prescriptions
2 rounds of blood work
one allergic reaction to amoxicillin

I'm not wishing illness on anyone but it's someone else's turn. Do I have any volunteers?

It's awards season and I've been hearing a lot about Downton Abbey.

Season 1 is streaming on Netflix and I'm hooked. I love Maggie Smith in anything but everyone on this show is fun to watch. Great cast, great clothes, great accents! Who else is watching?

Comments (4)

I'm hooked on Downton, too. I think you can see the current episodes on pbs.com

Get better, but don't send the sickies here. We're just getting over colds! YUCK.


I'll be starting this Sunday. A friend just told me about it at lunch last Monday. I'm looking forward to giving it a go.


Hate that you have been sick. Hope you are on the mend. I, too am addicited to Downton Abbey.


Love it! I watched it when it was on in Britain and I feel so ahead of things; it's hard to keep all the happenings a secret sometimes. Feel better, I'm so sorry for all that sickness!

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