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March 2012 Archives

March 1, 2012

Small Blog Meet!

I love this idea of Lily's Quilts where smaller blogs link up to try and find each other.

Lily's Quilts

Don't get me wrong...I love reading blog entries from the "big" guys and girls but I also really enjoy discovering newer or smaller blogs. The quilty inspiration comes from both blogs big and small!

March 4, 2012

Progress and the Opposite of Progress

The progress is on the quilting front. I have added a third sailboat into the mix. This time in yellow:

I am thinking there will be white sashing in between the four boats and a border of white around all sides.

I've been playing with some of Kate Spain's Terrain line.

Those are 16-patch blocks and they're not all sewn to one another yet so don't worry about some messiness and overlap. I don't think I want the whole thing to be postage stamps. I am toying with the idea of a large square of postage stamps surrounded by some of the pink print in a wide border. Or maybe the postage stamps square being off-center. Anyone want to weigh in?

In the opposite of progress camp we have the knitting. Remember that cute cardigan for the birthday Starfish? Well, it was too small. :( Here it is now as I start over:

That will teach me to try to use a tighter gauge with a larger size. Harumph.

March 10, 2012

Swoon Two

The Swoon-along is a huge quiltalong and I look through the group's Flickr pool and drool every day. My own Swoon quilt is slow going to say the least. I loved how the first block came out but the cutting and cutting and cutting is boring to me. I l.o.v.e. the finished product though. Here is block #2:

It's Hope Valley for those keeping track. Here is block #1 and block #2 together:

I think my Swoon quilt is going to be four blocks instead of nine. I really don't have nine in me and honestly a 60"x60" quilt is much more my speed anyway. I use my quilts for hanging out on the grass with kids or snuggling on the couch.

In stash building news, I fell victim to the siren's call of Flea Market Fancy. Karen Gray has it in the shop and I truly love those gray seeds. I was going to just get a yard of those but those vintagey flowers were too tempting.

It's funny because I was never really into the hoarding craze of Flea Market Fancy scraps and leftovers but seeing it on the bolt in the shop made me a believer!

March 14, 2012

Out From Under Wraps

We have this Terrain pillow:

I made it for a guild swap a long time ago but haven't gotten to exchange with my partner yet. I missed the February meeting and she missed the March meeting last night. Oh well. Maybe the third time will be the charm! Here is the back:

The only requests or preferences she made were bright colors with white. I think Terrain fits the bill!

Swoon block #3 is cut and ready to be pieced. Maybe tonight?

March 22, 2012

I'm Sailing! is finished

And I love it!

It's an old block that's been floating around forever but these colors and this layout have been seen on Flickr and Pinterest done by a few different people.

This is such a great boy quilt and measures about 43" square. As usual, I love the meandering quilt stitches and the crinkle that comes with it. I'm also very much in love with the black and white binding.

The backing is a solid Kona with some plaid by DS Quilts. I think it's the Aunt Edna line? Does that sound right to you quilty friends?

March 27, 2012

Three out of Four

Swoon blocks that is:

The end is in sight and I continue to be sure about my decision for four Swoon block instead of nine. ;) I do love how they are looking together though!

The pictures aren't the best. I finished the block this weekend and all day Sunday was raining and dark. Yesterday was the start of a new week which means I get home around 4pm with two kids who want to play, snack, need baths, etc. So these will have to do!

Spring Break starts Friday at 3pm. Not that I'm counting or anything...

About March 2012

This page contains all entries posted to Paper Starfish in March 2012. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2012 is the previous archive.

April 2012 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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