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August 2012 Archives

August 1, 2012

Moxie Doxie and Small Blog Meet

You knew there would be another one of these dachshunds, right? I mean, they are too cute!

I made this one girly with eyelashes instead of open eyes.

The last one I made was given to a 3 year old boy who loves him!

I'm linking up to Small Blog Meet with my finishes for the month!

Lily's Quilts

That star pillow sold out of my shop so that was kind of exciting! Moxie Doxie is listed right now: HERE

August 5, 2012

An FO But No Proof :(

I finished the reindeer ornament I had been stitching and was so excited to get it to my local needlepoint store that I forgot to take a picture of it! ;) It has been sent off to the finisher and I will take a picture when it comes back. It was fun to pick out a fabric for the back and cording for around the edge, but man! It's going to be an $80 ornament by the time I get it back (I paid about $30 for the canvas and it's about $42 for the finishing). Yikes! I am toying with the idea of making an ornament for each of my boys every year but that's going to be a pricey tradition.

I've been looking into cross stitch and ordered this to try:

I found it HERE. I love the linen background color, the cute little boots and mitten and the whimsical lettering! I can't wait to get it. It's a kit that Alicia Paulson put together and I figured for my first larger cross stitch piece and first try at linen, a kit was the way to go. Now I need a 4" hoop and some needles.

August 14, 2012


It's that time of year. I went back to work last Monday and my students (and Kid Starfish) start a new school year tomorrow. Wish us all luck!

I started my Winterwoods cross-stitch sampler and am loving it. Here is my organized thread at the start:

I love how these threads change color and pool as I stitch!

I also started a new child's quilt with this gray zigzag:

I had an idea on where this quilt was going but I'm having second thoughts. I need to think on it a bit.

What are you beginning at this time of year?

About August 2012

This page contains all entries posted to Paper Starfish in August 2012. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2012 is the previous archive.

September 2012 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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