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An FO But No Proof :(

I finished the reindeer ornament I had been stitching and was so excited to get it to my local needlepoint store that I forgot to take a picture of it! ;) It has been sent off to the finisher and I will take a picture when it comes back. It was fun to pick out a fabric for the back and cording for around the edge, but man! It's going to be an $80 ornament by the time I get it back (I paid about $30 for the canvas and it's about $42 for the finishing). Yikes! I am toying with the idea of making an ornament for each of my boys every year but that's going to be a pricey tradition.

I've been looking into cross stitch and ordered this to try:

I found it HERE. I love the linen background color, the cute little boots and mitten and the whimsical lettering! I can't wait to get it. It's a kit that Alicia Paulson put together and I figured for my first larger cross stitch piece and first try at linen, a kit was the way to go. Now I need a 4" hoop and some needles.

Comments (1)


Be careful with the hoops. Sometimes on linen it can leave a "fold" line that is almost impossible to get out. Do you have any quilting Q-Snaps? They work much better on linen.

The kit is cute! Very whimsical.

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