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2017 Quilts

This blog is collecting dust (like many blogs in the days of Instagram and Facebook). I find that I'm missing having my crafty pictures all in one place, though. Here are some of my quilt finishes from 2017:

Insane Christmas Forest:



I loved this one in Cotton + Steel. It's so loud and fun. I'm sad to put it away but it will be great to pull out for Christmas 2018!

Sea Star:


I made this simple quilt with some hoarded Tula Pink fabric for a dear friend. I hope it's well-loved!



I put this one of for auction at our school fundraiser. It was so hard to let this one go! The paper piecing took a lot of time but was worth it in the end!

Hipster Fox:



I mean, look at those curled-up foxes in the quilting! This is the Fancy Fox pattern by Elizabeth Hartman. I sent this off a friend from high school for her first baby. I love the glasses!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 16, 2018 6:59 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Finished Drunkard's Medallion and a Giveaway Winner.

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