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January 2008 Archives

January 1, 2008

First FO of 2008!

Actually I finished her at about 10:30pm on Dec 31st so not really.

From the front:



From the back:



Imogen was easy to knit and Adrienne at Perl Grey was great to order from. I made lots of modifications to this pattern though.

1st I didn't buy the kit so I subbed yarn and used every last drop of 3 skeins of JJ's Specialty Montage 10-ply in the Paua colorway. It bled like crazy.

I cast on for the large because I wanted it to be long. It is knit side-to-side. From there, instead of knitting 125 rows I only knit 105.

At the arms you're supposed to decrease every eighth row until you're down to 40 stitches but I didn't want my arms that tight so I did fewer decreases.

For the fronts/collar I was supposed to pick up 94 stitches along the neck but I actually picked up 100 and then instead of doing 9 total sets of short rows, I only did 7. After that where I was supposed to knit 42 rows even, I did more like 20.

So, I cast on for the large but then made everything else closer to a medium, I guess. These details don't mean much to most of you, I'm sure but there are people out there getting ready to start Imogen on Ravelry and in blogland and maybe this will help some of them!

I love the sweater as it is exactly what I wanted. A slouchy, warm, longish sweater to knock around in all winter. Yay!

I'm still on the first Jaywalker. What next?

January 9, 2008

Surprise FO!

Ha! I didn't even post about casting on for this one (I don't think - I'm too lazy to look back). It was such a quick knit I barely took progress pics. It's Presto Chango!


Gosh, she really didn't want to be photographed. And I consider myself to be pretty good with a camera. Inside, outside, flash, no flash, automatic, manual...I just couldn't get a great one. The lace panel is prettier in person.

It's worked up in Mission Falls 1824 Cotton which I found a little bit too nubby for my taste. I have two balls left and may use it for a matching hat and bib but it's listed in my Ravelry stash as sell/trade. The pattern was straightforward and kudos to the designer as this was her first pattern! I made no mods but will say I had to fiddle with the first row of lace where you yarn over in between purl and knit stitches. Lots of posts out there in blogland about the best way to do this without a too-big hole. Now it's on to something new in my queue!

January 12, 2008

Saved from the frog pond!

Mr. Starfish's gray hat, that is.


For something so annoyingly simple AND in a pattern I've knit before with no problems (Kim's Hats from Last-Minute Knitted Gifts) I had a hell of a time trying to get this to fit his head. It looks like I'm on the right track now after several attempts at different needle sizes and cast on numbers. It's the men's earflap version in case anyone is keeping track.

I've also started something new for me. My first cabled project. I never feared cables but also never saw anything I was dying to make with cables. When I got the brown Cashmerino I zeroed in on the Karaoke Cable Scarf. A sample:


Both projects are going fast so I should have FO pictures soon!

January 13, 2008

Why paper?

So, I've gotten this question lately. Why Paper Starfish? and thought I'd answer it here. I love paper. Stationery, wrapping paper, cards, gift enclosures, personalized, one of a kind, etc. Anything paper. Whereas many people who read knitting blogs like this might dream of opening a LYS, I dream of owning a store where I could sell all kinds of paper. There aren't enough stores like this, IMO. There are chain stores like this that are fun but I mean independent shops with fun, unique paper. Hmmm...

Here is a birthday card I made today (well, two birthday cards but since they're the same they count as one!). I photograph in natural light (no flash) to keep the colors true so that's why it's a bit dark.


January 17, 2008

Any guesses?


And let's keep it clean, people. I know the way your minds work!

It's Lola Bunny from Schaefer Yarns. See the head and one arm finished? It's a free pattern that's meant to be knit with Schaefer Lola (hence the name) but since I don't have the budget for that, it's being worked as a stashbuster. I had this yarn from Itty Bitty Knitties at Hyena Cart in my stash and thought this would be cute. The colorway is Turtle Haven. Fast knit so far!

Mr Starfish has been seen around town sporting a new hat. He wanted an earflap hat and now he has one!


The photo is sort of mugshot-ish but it was the first day of the semester and there was no time for a fancy photo shoot.

January 21, 2008

Lola Bunny! Je suis finis!

I can't remember if that means "I am finished" or "I am dead". Oh well, I mean "I am finished." With Lola Bunny that is:


Isn't she/he sweet? She's called Lola Bunny by the Schaefer people which makes me feel like she's a girl but the Scooter loves him/her and she's done up in a gender neutral/boyish colorway so I'm not sure. Also, not sure what to do with poor Lola! She was fun to knit though. No mods at all other than the yarn sub.

January 25, 2008


Just because I try to keep this blog up to date and I'm so damn proud of my first attempt at colorwork. What is this stranded knitting? Fake Isle? I'm not sure. If you know please tell me.


January 30, 2008

Just like elementary school!

I'm in a valentine swap. Remember the days of everyone having a mailbox and receiving tons of little valentines in the classroom? Well, there's a valentine swap going on over at Ravelry so I decided to join in. Who doesn't love getting mail from all over the world (or mail that's not bills)? I made my valentines, of course, but it's not required.



About January 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Paper Starfish in January 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

December 2007 is the previous archive.

February 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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