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First quilting experience


So, I was all set to knit something adorable for Baby M. That's what I do. People expect a handknit from me when a new baby is on the way. While cruising Etsy, one day I came across quilt kits and thought, I can do that!

I found a cute one at The Hayloft and after perusing Tasha's directions, I was on my way. I ordered her kit and oh my, the fabrics. She has great taste! Polka dots, stripes, japanese imports! So cute!


I had a wee bit of trouble with a few things (chenille is not my friend) but I really think for my first try it looks good! I may still knit something but for now, this will go out in the mail on Monday and be on its way to Boston!


What do you think?

Comments (3)


Absolutely adorable. Very retro looking.

I'm sure that will be one snuggled-up baby.


OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am totally impressed! It looks awesome and you finished yours before me! I still need to go sew on the top part of the binding, it is half pinned. Thanks for linking me too! GOOD JOB! I hope you have fun even though there were a couple issues and I agree about the chenille. :)

I saw the post on craftster -- very cute, adorable, and snuggly!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 9, 2008 6:50 PM.

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