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April 2008 Archives

April 9, 2008

I said I wouldn't but.....

I really want to learn to spin!


I have a lead on a practice lesson or two from Beth who lives not too far away. I was cruising around Hyena Cart and Julie of 45 North Fluff offered to send me some roving to try out. It's Targhee top (although I'll admit that I don't know the difference between top, batts and roving!). How does it look, Beth?

Lizard Ridge is cruising along some:


It's obviously not blocked yet!

The second Lola is more than halfway finished as well.


April 13, 2008

Lola Bunny v2.0

The second Lola Bunny is finished and will be mailed out to baby Charlie tomorrow. She's due to arrive in late May so there's plenty of time.


Lola is fun to knit and pretty easy. This yarn is gorgeous and worked up well. The way the colors worked out on the face make it look like she has an angry mouth but really there is no embroidered mouth at all. It's much less noticeable when you see the bunny in person.

Now off to more Lizard Ridge!

April 21, 2008

So much for the epiphany...

...because I'm knitting socks again!


These are the Little Pansy Socks from Ravelry. The pattern calls for Cascade Fixation and I didn't substitute because it contains a decent amount of elastic and has a lot of "give". I was afraid to try and substitute with a non-elastic-y sock yarn. I decided to go for it since they are low socks (which I love) and at a more sport/DK weight, they are quick. The picture is of the cuff and heel flap. It's an Eye of the Partridge heel.

April 26, 2008

New addiction.....

Is this the most beautiful handspun yarn you've ever seen or what?


Okay, so it's not beautiful. It's thick and thin (not on purpose) and way too twisty but it's mine! I spun it on Beth's Ashford Kiwi. It was my first ever spinning experience and with Beth and Carla's help I produced something!

So, I'm now obsessed with spinning and am going to give it another go this weekend with a different wheel so I can compare. I had to buy some roving for my next practice session so I bought this


from Colorful Life on Etsy. She knew I was a beginning spinner and sent all of this as freebies for me to try:


Aren't fibery/knitty people great?

I am still knitting away. Here's a finished Little Pansy sock for proof:


April 30, 2008

second skein


Here is my second attempt at spinning. Eeek! It doesn't look much better than the first but I feel like I have a much better understanding of what I should be doing. It's either not twisted enough or it's waaaay too twisted. One thing is for sure....I'm going to need more fiber!

About April 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Paper Starfish in April 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2008 is the previous archive.

May 2008 is the next archive.

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