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May 2008 Archives

May 1, 2008

Crawling at a snail's pace....

is Lizard Ridge!


But it is now 25% done! It will be four strips wide and this is the first finished strip. It will also have some sort of border but that is so far away, I haven't even decided what kind! I am in love with this project and it's fun to pick out the Kureyon a few skeins at a time! Whew, does that deck need to be stained or what?

May 5, 2008

It sorta looks like yarn!


My first plied yarn. There are definite problem spots but there are also some parts that look like "real" yarn! Yay! Went to my first spinning guild meeting yesterday and got lots of help and encouragement. Thanks to Carla and blogless (I think) Christina for letting me try out their wheels. I learned that I am better than the HitchHiker is showing because I was much more consistent on their wheels and didn't have the problem of the wheel changing directions when I tried to stop.

Here is the skein shot:


Off to try and wash it!

May 9, 2008

Wheel shopping and a BSJ


I'm well into my first Baby Surprise Jacket by the famous Elizabeth Zimmerman. The "pattern" really isn't a patttern at all. More like a conversation in a book discussing how to make a BSJ. Fortunately, once again it's Ravelry to the rescue because there's a whole group (a very active group) about this very pattern. Don't know who will get it yet. I'm adding some stripes but I have no idea where they'll end up once it's folded. Oh well, it will be a surprise!

Wheel shopping continues. I went to look at an Ashford Traditional today but a part was missing and although it would be easy to order, I'm not going to buy a wheel before I play on it! I keep coming back to the Kiwi and I could probably afford one new. We'll see!

May 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

So, I turned 32 on Wednesday and I bought myself a present!


Actually, my dad and Mr Starfish's parents (in-laws just has a negative connotation it seems) contributed to the birthday fund that allowed me to buy the present. An Ashford Kiwi! Yeehaw!

And just because it seems that everyone who posts a Kiwi picture also posts one of "the bird":


Who am I to stop the tradition? The Scooter loves the bird and when I asked him what the bird's name was he said, "Sophia". Where does he gets this stuff?

I ordered Sophia from The Woolery which was a great experience. Three days later I was stalking the poor UPS man! Assembly was going along great until I hit step #13 which is the fishing line brake band. With the help of Mandi and trusty Beth, I finally figured it out. Step #19 where you actually put the wheel on was tricky in that I didn't have the muscle required to get it all the way on so Mr. Starfish took over on that one!

Yay! I haven't spun anything on her yet but tonight for sure..... I'm also thinking about taking a drive down near Ithaca (1.5 hours away) to pick out some roving. Is that crazy? I want to see it in person!

May 24, 2008

Just Do It!

Such good advice when working on Elizabeth Zimmerman's Baby Surprise Jacket. The "pattern" is strange looking until the absolute end.

You knit this:


And after two little shoulder seams, you have this:


I wasn't dying to make this but it looked like a good way to use up some leftovers. Plus, everyone speaks of EZ as such a pioneer, I figured I should try it. It was an easy knit and it really is a cute little jacket. Now to decide who will wear it....

About May 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Paper Starfish in May 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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June 2008 is the next archive.

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