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Pitiful - but I have an excuse....

I've been sick. Not just caught-a-virus-sick but may-need-surgery sick. The likely culprit is my gallbladder. I go back to nuclear medicine on Wednesday for a scan to check it out.

But I've done a wee bit of stitching and spinning. This is the Mosaic Moon roving being spun into singles:


I think I'm going to love these colors once they're plied together and finished but I'm wishing there was some more of the sky blue. The colorway is Gwion.

The stitching was put on hold for a while but I picked it up again:


I'm having a really hard time photographing this. I shoot everything I can in manual mode with natural light but this is tricky. Maybe Dee will check in because her stitching is always photographed so well!

Forgot to post a picture of this cutie from SAFF:


I fell in love with the angora bunnies at SAFF and spent a good bit of time learning about them. There was a woman there with one on her lap and she was spinning right off the bunny! So sweet.

Comments (3)


Thanks for the compliment. I photograph my cross stitch using the auto setting/macro on my camera. I usually try to photograph from straight over top looking down.

Sorry to hear about the gall bladder problems. I had mine out a long time ago. As surgeries go, it's not a bad one. But, maybe you won't need to. That would be even better.


Your spinning looks like fun - love the colors together! I can see why you want to Navajo ply.

I hope you'll be feeling better soon... and that you won't need surgery. Keep us posted!

Paige, first I hope you feel better, and SOON! I had mine out in 2004 after suffering through an entire pregnancy with attacks every other day. Hang in there!
Second, I'm sorry I didn't see your post on the CNY board (you should have earburned me!) but I see the question was already answered. If you've never navajo plied before, take some cheapo, leftover lightweight yarn and practice. This is how I learned, and how I teach others. Don't worry about over-spinning that practice yarn - the practice is mostly to get the hang of the daisy chain motion. You're such a natural at spinning, I'm sure you'll pick up navajo plying in no time at all!

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