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The year of the socks?

So, people who know me know that I have a love/hate relationship with socks. I love to browse sock patterns and buy sock yarn and wear my hand knit socks. I do not like knitting them. This is a problem because without the knitting, you don't have hand knit socks you see. So, I'm starting 2009 with a new sock attitude. I've started Magic Looping to see if that may help me get excited!

Scooter's sock:


You may recall that the Scooter requested "blue stripey socks". I think this yarn would be a lot more attractive in an adult sized sock because the stripes would be thinner but he's very happy with it.

I also signed up for a swap where I knit a pair of socks for a non-knitter. Maybe knitting for someone who has been wishing and hoping for hand knit socks will motivate me. My partner picked the yarn:


Now, these are not typical "me" colors but I"m very interested to see how it knits up. It's Adorn sock yarn dyed in the Clodagh colorway by Three Irish Girls. You know how I love indie dyers!

Comments (5)


I LOVE the blue stripey socks. They are adorable.

Love the yarn for your non-knitter's socks too. It looks very bright on my monitor. Can't wait to see what it looks like knit up.

I actually really like the wider stripes on those socks.

The thing about knitting for other people is that you get to knit with colors you wouldn't usually pick. Sometimes you don't like them but the recipient does, and sometimes, you discover that you actually really like a certain color combo. It's always interesting.

i use socks as my "go-to" knitting. when i am tired of knitting those lace repeats, i switch over to my plain ol' sock. maybe looking at sock knitting as knitting relief can help? :)


Yay for socks!!! Those are awesome

Now you are in a swap and are making socks for a non knitter, what do you get from the non knitter? I don't get it?

I've never knitted socks before and am hoping to learn this year. There seems to be such a cult around sock knitting - I want to experience the allure! :)

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