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Little Bit of Everything

I'm making progress on all crafty fronts so I thought I'd show a little sampler. No FOs to show but lots of work in progress.

In quilting news I have 12 of my 28 blocks done for my 9-patch. Here are three:


I'm going for the scrappy look although I don't have a fabric stash so I bought all of this fabric new. Shhh. Don't tell.

I'm spinning up some merino for someone on Ravelry. This is Enchanted dyed by Dashing Dachs:


In knitting news, I'm still working on the second sock to my second pair of no-purl Monkeys. I also got the May installment of the GothSocks club yarn and I. am. in. love.


Self striping on the luxe base with cashmere. I need to decide if I'm going to rejoin for another three months. On one hand, I seriously love every skein that arrives and it's near impossible to get in a regular stocking. On the other hand, I now have three skeins with June on the way soon and knit maybe three pairs of sock a year. Is it worth it to keep stockpiling more? Probably!

Comments (4)


Oh yes --- consider it your 401K (k is for knitting). That way when you retire and have plenty of time to knit, but not so much spare money --- you have inventory!

Hmmm...that sock club sounds interesting, and the yarn is so pretty. I like your nine patches, too!

Hello fellow raveller!
Your quilt is looking great, I have these dreams that sometime when I'm older I will just magically be able to throw fabrics together and make amazing quilts that my Daughter will want to pass on to her children. Alas, I have no eye for colors, and even though I own a sewing machine I'm not very good with it. So quilting goes into the "someday if I've acquired super powers" pile.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying Hi!

I want to own a spinning wheel and spin merino!! How fun!! (I'm still struggling with my spindle, when I occasionally pull it out.)

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