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Pink and ribbons and girly, oh my!

My brother and sister in law are pregnant with their first baby and it's a girl! This means girly knits for baby Sophie! Having two boys myself, I don't get to craft much for girls so I started with "Ribbons" from the Itty Bitty Hats book.


And since I always appreciate a modeled shot of FOs, I threw it on Baby Starfish to give you an idea on how it looks. He didn't mind ;)


I modified the pattern to have three rows of ribbons instead of four and I didn't include the ribbons on the top. I love the way it came out and think it will fit just fine. Baby Starfish is over 3 months old in this picture and I'm hoping Baby Sophie will wear it a bit earlier than that!

Comments (7)


Awwww, too cute!


I don't know ......looks like he minds! LOL

Adorable hat -- just beyond cute. Can't wait to see the little miss model it herself.

Congrats to your brother and sister-in-law on the impending arrival.

adorable hat. love the model!


How cute! Now you have to show him this girly hat picture when he is a teenager. Really embarass him!

Love the hat, and Baby Starfish is adorable! Baby knits are so gratifying...they work up so quick and the recipients are always so darn cute.

Oh, this is a darling little hat on a sweet little one!

Please drop by my blog if you would like to join in my give away.

Cute hat! The baby doesn't look very happy, though. You are a winner. Please contact me. Liz

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