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Late to the Party

And by that I mean the Ishbel bandwagon that everyone jumped on many months ago. I've had the pattern sitting and never got around to making one. A few weeks ago a close acquaintance (is there such a thing?) was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. She has two little girls and is only a couple of years older than I am and it hit home. She has spent a couple of weeks in the hospital and has to go back for several rounds of chemo (at least) for a week at a time. She loves fall colors and I thought this yarn would be perfect.


I think it will be lovely and hope it makes her happy even for a minute.

Comments (2)


Beautiful colors!

Grace from Lovin' Comfort Knits sent me a shawlette when I was recovering from my surgery. It meant the world to me.

I know your friend will get much comfort from Ishbel!

I didn't get your e-mail with your address...e-mail me again, please, Paige!

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